Irrigreen Sprinkler Head (1 Irrigreen Head = 8-10 Traditional Heads)

Irrigreen Sprinkler Head (1 Irrigreen Head = 8-10 Traditional Heads)

Product Code: irrigreen-sprinkler-head

Starting at $278 (covers up to 2,450 sqft)

Achieve a lusher lawn with only half the water usage. Please note that Irrigreen Hub must control the heads, and these systems do not serve as replacements for traditional sprinkler heads. The spray covers a 30-foot radius in a 360-degree pattern, with each rotation dispensing 0.055 inches of water. For a personalized lawn map, simply connect to the Irrigreen app.

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An effortless digital ecosystem powered by weather data.
Make the right choice right for your lawn. Irrigreen 2.0 - Irrigreen XP
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I replace an existing Sprinkler Head with Irrigreen?
Can I use existing cables?
How do I know how many heads I need?
How do I know where to put the heads?
How durable are Irrigreen heads?
What is your warranty period, and what does it cover?
How do I install an Irrigreen system?
Can I retrofit an existing system?
Can I mix XP and Irrigreen 2.0 heads?
What water pressure do I need?
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